Wednesday, April 15, 2009

i gave up blogs for lent...

it's true. i didn't mean to give up my own blogging though. i actually have some draft articles sitting in my dashboard...who knows if i will ever finish them. they feel mostly unfinishable.

anyway, the Lent season was an interesting time for me. waiting...waiting...sometimes i forget what i am waiting for. or maybe i feel like once Easter arrives, everything will shift into focus for me.

not so.

life has been busy, unpredictable, messy, fun, terrifying, beautiful, and overwhelming. i'm sure i've forgotten a few of the adjectives i've used over the past few months, but that about sums it up.

the funny this is life has always been these things. i keep waiting for this phase of life to get over, but i don't think it's going to. i think i'm stuck in the chaos forever.

so Lent was about waiting. waiting for the confirmation of what keeps me grounded. Christ is Risen! or as my pastor's daughter wrote on the easter egg baskets at church "He Be Risen!" and that makes it all worth it.

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