Monday, November 16, 2009

new goal

i know i've been so mia from this blog for a long time. i was talking to my mom about it and i think if i had internet at home and more time to devote to it i would be better about updating. or maybe if i felt okay just writing a short post every day instead of the novels i usually create.

speaking of novels...i was talking to a friend on saturday about how when i was younger i was fine going anywhere with my mom as long as i had a book. i used to get so lost in books. and it's been a long time since that's happened for me.

i think since i graduated from college i've wanted to keep up my "intellectual street cred" up so i make myself read books that have more heft to them and take a lot of thought. i don't think there is anything wrong with this practice, it's good to keep myself challenged. but i'm thinking i need to throw a few light reads into the mix to remind myself that reading isn't all about work. it can be fun and relaxing and a great way to escape stress.

so this is a goal of find a book that's just fun...after i finish David Carr's memoir, of course.

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