Thursday, July 10, 2008

Monday, February 04, 2008

what really matters...

So some of you know about my health scare recently. If you don't, sorry I didn't tell you, but I didn't want to raise an unnecessary alarm. I went to the doctor about a week and a half ago and we found a lump in my right breast. She thought it was just a cyst but want me to get it checked out. It was something I had noticed before, but been told by a doctor that it was nothing. So naturally I get a little freaked out that now I have a doctor telling me to get it checked out.

So I have an ultrasound and schedule a consult to plan a biopsy. I was pretty freaked out for about a week, but I am much better now. All of the doctor's I have talked to haven't been worried and think it is just a benign tumor. So I'm not worried anymore.

But I started thinking, what if. What if it had been cancer. What then. And through a lot of prayer and contemplation and talking with people I came to the conclusion of, so what. We can't control some things that happen to our physical bodies and in the end, that physical condition has no eternal consequence. The only thing that matters is that GOD loves us. And how we glorify GOD during our trials and struggles is what has eternal consequence.

This isn't to say we won't get scared or mad or sad. But we can do those things and love GOD at the same time. We can acknowledge that HE is in charge and that HE knows and we don't have to.

This doesn't just have to apply to being sick. A lot of us are in places where we are wanting something more. Some different significance or some different relationship. We can want those things, definitely. But remember to glorify GOD during those circumstances. HE knows what we need and that is all that matters. Wanting something to be different isn't going to change it. But living a life that is focused on GOD and how HE wants us to live, that will change things.

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