Monday, July 14, 2008

where my boredom at work and my elastic imagination meet...

Overanalyzing movies for a deeper meaning is a favorite past time of mine. I usually do it as a joke, to get a rise out of my literalist friends, but occasionally I stumble upon something that resembles truth. In a recent conversation with a friend (Joey5 shout out) about the movie ET, I realized that it really might be a beautiful example of community. Let's look at the facts.

A little boy discovers an alien and decides they should be friends. Their community of two is precious, indeed, but soon they cannot do it by themselves. So Elliot enlists the help of his siblings, Drew Barrymore and unidentified 80s male child-psuedo-star. The three of them share their specific gifts with each other to continue the course of work to help the poor alien creature. They are brave and reckless, living full out for their dream (right...this isn't a stretch at all...). The ending (I won't spoil it for any of you...but it may or may not involve a flying bicycle) requires the help of a larger group of people, all working together for a common goal.

So this is community. There are layers for sure, but there is a sense of solidarity, while each person plays out his/her own part of the plan. Like a body, right?? Community=body.

So let's stop trying to hide the alien all by ourselves and ask some friends for help. Yikes, this might be a terrible analogy. Hope it was worth it, Joseph Penta.

1 comment:

mel said...

love reading your thoughts!! and, love you!!