Wednesday, January 28, 2009

it is 9:30 am

and i have gotten no significant work done. i'm working from home this morning because i am waiting for my cello to be delivered. usually i can focus really well when i work from home, but for the past hour i have been distracted by:

-sending a personal email about political and social topics to discuss in depth on another blog. this takes a lot of thought on my part because i am not naturally inclined to participate in these types of conversations. but i recognize the importance and the value.
-cooking kidney beans for my dinner recipe
-thinking about and planning for the elder retreat this weekend. i'm not looking forward to it. maybe i should revise that to "thinking about and planning and dreading"
-checking facebook communications
-and now this blog entry

to be fair, i have actually opened my work email. good for me. now i must go read it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

everyone keeps doing this on facebook...

and you are supposed to do it too if they tag you in the note. i have yet to be tagged. but here are my 25 things (about me).

1. i just got very self-conscious about how narcissistic this activity is. especially since most likely no one will read this post.

2. i crave outdoor gear even though i live in new orleans and the closest experience i have to the "outdoors" is a walk in the park. literally. see below post.

3. i have a love affair with 97.3 KBCO in boulder and i don't care who knows it.

4. i can't remember the last time i finished an entire can of soda.

5. i made a pan of brownies the other day because i wanted just one. and then i ate three. and had to bring the rest to friends.

6. nothing makes me feel better than curling up on my couch with a good book and a cup of tea. except having someone else curled up at the other end doing the same thing.

7. so far i have lived in Oklahoma, Florida, New York, Colorado, Tennessee, and Louisiana. i have an unofficial goal of living in all 50 states. (living=at least 4 months, for the purpose of my goal)

8. some of my favorite christmas presents over the past few years have been: my merrells, webster's unabridged dictionary, a full-size cardboard cutout of Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, KBCO Studio C albums (always and forever), a teapot with matching creamer and sugar, and rainboots.

9. i ALWAYS cry at the end of When Harry Met Sally. i also have the majority of the movie memorized.

10. i secretly think i could be an amazing writer, but i'm too scared of criticism to seek advice.

11. the fact that there is no way i will ever be able to read every book written has brought me to tears. on multiple occasions.

12. i hate waking up but i LOVE being awake in the early morning.

13. i do screen my phone calls. sorry.

14. i have wasted too much of my time exploring and reading blogs. a habit i picked up when i was unemployed.

15. i would be happy if i could wear sweatpants and a white t-shirt every day for the rest of my life. but i also love costumes. every morning when i have to get dressed for work, i pretend i am dressing in my "work costume." it makes things easier for me.

16. i miss my family more and more every day. i truly regret not actually spending more time with them when i still lived in the CO.

17. i like to pretend that The Allman Brothers song "Ramblin' Man" was written just for me. especially the part where it says "on my way to New Orleans this morning, leaving out of Nashville, Tennessee" because i did that!

18. my parents' cabin "The West" is my favorite place on earth.

19. cooking meals for myself is empowering some days. and other days it is depressing when i just want to share it with someone else.

20. i can fight through a stomachache, a bad cold, or a sore back, but a bad headache knocks me out flat.

21. i can say "i wish i was skiing right now" and 97% of the time it is true.

22. i believe that if i am going to pay the airfare to make it to your wedding, the least you can do is provide free beer.

23. i like to have meetings in the mornings because if i schedule them at 9 or 9:30 i get to sleep in at least an extra half hour.

24. if i had the time and money to get a dog right now, i would get a white french bulldog.

25. i have to fight the urge to pack up my car and leave almost weekly.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

what i saw on my walk in the park today...

i am into lists right now. so here goes...

1. the guy who rollerblades around the park playing his guitar

2. a golfer wearing khaki knickers, a white shirt, and a red sweater vest

3. a red balloon stuck in a tree

4. packs of middle schoolers on bicycles

5. a bagpiper. i took my headphones off to listen.

6. a white swan.

7. an old woman riding a bike with two dogs in the front basket.

8. an all white french bulldog. only makes me want one more!!

9. very short man wearing very short white shorts.

10. two college-aged guys walking on the path drinking beer.

Friday, January 23, 2009

10 things i like right now

1. cornbread muffins. they are so easy to make, so delicious, and a great addition to most meals!

2. my new camelback water bottle. i am way less likely to spill water all over myself with the nifty straw.

3. BLOGS! i love love love reading other people's thoughts and am just now turning on to cooking/baking blogs. more recipes to try...

4. new recipes. i made baked lentils with cheese last night from my new More-with-Less cookbook. i am trying several recipes this week. a review of the book to follow.

5. getting up early. i've always liked the idea of getting up early, but rarely do i follow through with my grand plans for a.m. success. this morning i did. i woke up, worked out (not for long...), made oatmeal for breakfast, and still got to work on time. this feeling of success will hopefully carry over to next week's schedule.

6. walking in the park. if you ever want to walk in the best. park. ever. come visit me and we will go to Audubon. seriously. the path is lined with live oaks, hanging their spanish moss over your head. lots of people and dog watching. gorgeous.

7. making a pot of tea. i have always enjoyed a cup of tea, but i just got a teapot for christmas and have enjoyed the lingering relaxation that comes with have a whole pot of tea to drink. pot of tea (plus) a good book (plus) my soft blanket (equals) an ideal evening for kristin.

8. springtime in new orleans. yes, this does occur a little earlier than in other places. the weather is starting to warm up, the sun it out for longer, the mosquitoes haven't laid claim to every inch of the outdoors yet...simply enjoyable.

9. LOST. i really enjoy the ridiculous complexity to this show. some people just get frustrated when there are more questions than answers, but i love it! what other show allows you to create conspiracy theories and develop them over a whole season before revealing the truth? well, maybe a lot, but LOST does it on an island. and with Sawyer. yum!

10. truffles. i rarely have a sweet tooth. if anything, i crave cheesey or buttery morsels. but chocolate truffles have been showing up a lot in my life. and they are gooooooooood. mmhmm.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

january 12. my birthday.

i woke up yesterday morning, early enough to have some breakfast and check my email before making it to my weekly nonprofit meeting. i had fallen asleep in what i had been wearing since the previous afternoon, so i thought a costume change would be prudent. problem was, most of my pants were still wet from saturday laundry day. (i've stopped using the dryer. this saves me $1.25 a load and it's a little more envirofriendly) one pair of black pants were mostly dry, just a little stiff from hanging out the past two days. to remedy this problem, i hung them in front of my gas heater while i ran into the bedroom to change shirts.

i walked back into the living room to retrieve my pants, literally less than 3 minutes later, only to find a problem. a big problem. either my pants were too close or the heater was turned on too high because there was definitely a hole singed through the back of my pants. i snatched them up before further damage (read: flames!) could occur when my smoke detector started going off. at 8 am. i frantically dragged the closest chair over to the wall to yank the battery out. in an apartment where i can hear my neighbors shuffling papers next door, a fire alarm going off at 8 am was definitely going to be an issue. luckily i think i got it off fast enough that whoever it woke up could fall back asleep quickly enough.

so i stood there, the morning of my 25th birthday, with singed pants in one hand and my smoke detector in the other. i started to get that familiar feeling. anger, disappointment, frustration at my stupid decision or lack of focus that had led to this situation. the feelings gripped my chest and started to wrap their talons tighter. all of a sudden it was turning into my worst. birthday. ever! all before 8:30 am.

but something reminded me that it didn't have to be. i didn't have to be angry and disappointed and frustrated. i could inhale deeply (despite the wisps of smoke) and let go. so i did. and then i started laughing. hard. i had gotten so wrapped up in everything i had done wrong and could have done better that i missed the hilarity and ridiculousness of the situation. and boy was it hilarious and ridiculous!

years ago my grandmother (neeno) gave me a little trinket for christmas. she is one of those grandmothers who always finds little things that everyone else would pass right over. this trinket happens to be a little pewter cube that has the imprint of an angel on one side and the words "angels fly because they take themselves lightly" on another. while most of my other little trinkets have stayed behind in boxes at my parents' house, this little cube has travelled with me. and it reminds me that i must take myself lightly or forever be banished to crawling on the ground.

i almost let myself crawl through my 25 birthday, but i didn't. i made a choice to laugh and i flew. what was shaping up to be the worst. birthday. ever. became one of the best. soon after my laughter died down, i heard my work phone ringing. it was my boss telling me to take the day off and celebrate my birthday. so i did. with a big piece of chocolate cake for breakfast.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

birthday reflections

one year ago today my cousin anthony collapsed and died while out on a run in his neighborhood. he had a heart condition that his doctor's had been monitoring, but no one knew it was so severe. his death was completely unexpected and tragic. he had been living with his older sister and her daughter in Macon, GA.

i got the call from my dad on my way home from work last year. i was in nashville, getting geared up to move to new orleans. it is strange how this kind of news hits you. my cousin and i weren't particularly close, i hadn't seen him in years. but all the same, he was someone who had been around my whole life. his existence as my cousin anthony had never been called into question.

the day after his death, my friends in nashville took me out for my birthday to my favorite fish'n'chips joint in east nashville. i hadn't wanted to go, but my roommate anna insisted. i ended up having a decent time thanks to greasy fried fish and generous helpings of sam adams.

the next morning i woke up and got in my car to drive to georgia. the wake was that night and the funeral service the next day. the rest of my family was flying out from the CO and i would meet them there. it was strange, thinking of them all together and me making my lonely trek across eastern tennessee and through the perils of atlanta drivers. i made it for the end part of the wake and viewing. my grandmother was beside herself, as to be expected, and kept telling me she was sorry for leaving my birthday card in the car. as if my birthday was more significant than this other thing that was happening to the family.

still, a year later, i can feel the sorrow and weight that was in that room with anthony's body. he was too young. he was 25.

i think i will always now connect my birthday with his death, them just being a day apart. it is a morbid and bittersweet reminder of how short life can be. last year he died at 25 and i was turning 24. and now a year later i am 25 and he is gone. how can i live my life so that if my days are cut as short as his were, no one will think of it as a loss? can i make my days so full that there is never a question that i am truly living?

last night over margarita's my friend jersey said to me, "i really feel like i am living everyday. some days are boring, sure, but this is where i am supposed to be and i'm *living* everyday."

am i truly living every single day? are you? from what i learned last year, anthony was.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

i'm experiencing a lack of motivation at work this week, probably stemming from the fact that i had a meeting with my boss monday morning telling him i am officially looking for other jobs. this doesn't mean i will be leaving anytime soon or that my work now magically doesn't need to get done. but i am now consumed by the idea of change.

change has always been a big "something" in my life. i credit myself with being a "restless wanderer." while so far this has been true in my life, it is one of those self-fulfilling prophecies. i see myself as a person who moves around a lot and doesn't stay settled, so i tend to create situations for myself where this is the solution. or maybe that is just me being paranoid about myself.

in any case, i told my boss that i am looking for new jobs...mostly because there is currently no security for my job past june 30 and i don't want to sit around waiting until then to find out if i need a new job. this is the problem with your job being funded by grants! so i started looking around in new orleans...and elsewhere.

this has brought about all sorts of anxieties for me. money, moving, commitment it time for me to leave? am i abandoning my friends and church family down here? what about my commitment to be an elder at my church? is finding a good job worth leaving all this behind? where is GOD leading me? or is HE telling me to stay put?

those who know me know that i can talk myself in some pretty tight circles with these kinds of issues. i'm trying to step back, evaluate, pray, discuss (in logical terms), and decide.

the truth is i have found jobs that interest me all over the country, and none in new far. i guess i just need to breathe *in* *out* and wait. i'm just no good at waiting.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

feeling rather lethargic today. could be emotional hangover from yesterday? tough to be sure. but i did go see Marley and Me last night which inevitably reminded me of my old dog. Carmen. *sigh*

she was also a yellow lab and pretty incorrigible. also dumb as bricks. but she was the sweetest dog in the world. all she wanted was to love and be loved. isn't that the great thing about dogs? their capacity for unconditional love. i don't care what people say that casts doubt on their cognizant ability to love, i truly believe they love fully. Carmen did, at least.

i remember everything about our lives together, from going to pick her up from the breeder to watching her drift away that last day at the vet's office. oh i really can't talk about this now or i will start to cry.

if you have a dog, go give him or her a big hug from me. and remember to soak in their love.

Monday, January 5, 2009

today's winner was plain couscous with tomatoes and spinach. cook the couscous as you normally would...2 parts water to 1 part couscous (roughly) and when about 3/4 of the way done, add chopped tomatoes and spinach. stir to mix well. season with salt and pepper to taste. soooooo delish.

annnnnd now i'm off to take a walk in the park!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


well, it's sunday, so i supposed a day off is in order...but!

1) i saved money by using a gift card for coffee today
2) i declined an invite to get a pedi (which i really don't like anyway) in an effort to spend less frivolously
3) used my leftover lentils to make a soup and it was good!

in other news, my apartment is a wreck because it has been storming and my ceiling leaks...right over where i keep my books! so there are stacks of books on my dining room table. i am also in the process of importing ALL of my cds to my computer. and apparently that can create quite a mess too.

one step forward, two steps back.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

i have always hated new year's resolutions. i don't particularly like to resolve myself to doing things in the coming year. so i started calling them revolutions and making them more of a shift in my life. i still don't really like them, but continue to come up with them because what better time to set goals than at the beginning of a new year? or is it rather arbitrary? what makes january 1 any different than december 31? anyway...

-study regularly for the GMAT with the goal of a 600
-narrow down b-schools to apply to
-get a new job (eh, this one depends on a lot of factors)
-add at least 3 states to my "i've been to" list
-visit...San Diego (Feb 13-15!) Seattle (???) and Michigan/Chicago (4th of July?)
-spend a mandatory three hours a week writing (for peacemaker or other)
-read everyday
-write on this blog everyday...even just a little bit
-use my new More-with-Less cookbook at least 4 meals a week
-be a better manager of my money (save, tithe, pay off debt, spend less frivolously)
-get back into "spring of 2007" shape

and that sounds like enough for now. goodness. if i did those things it certainly would revolutionize my life. in all of that my overarching goal is to focus on what i have going on in my life right now and what is already set up for the future. i don't need to added distraction of seeking out things that i "should" have going on like a boyfriend, a garden, art projects, etc...

that should be it for now. good night.