Monday, January 26, 2009

everyone keeps doing this on facebook...

and you are supposed to do it too if they tag you in the note. i have yet to be tagged. but here are my 25 things (about me).

1. i just got very self-conscious about how narcissistic this activity is. especially since most likely no one will read this post.

2. i crave outdoor gear even though i live in new orleans and the closest experience i have to the "outdoors" is a walk in the park. literally. see below post.

3. i have a love affair with 97.3 KBCO in boulder and i don't care who knows it.

4. i can't remember the last time i finished an entire can of soda.

5. i made a pan of brownies the other day because i wanted just one. and then i ate three. and had to bring the rest to friends.

6. nothing makes me feel better than curling up on my couch with a good book and a cup of tea. except having someone else curled up at the other end doing the same thing.

7. so far i have lived in Oklahoma, Florida, New York, Colorado, Tennessee, and Louisiana. i have an unofficial goal of living in all 50 states. (living=at least 4 months, for the purpose of my goal)

8. some of my favorite christmas presents over the past few years have been: my merrells, webster's unabridged dictionary, a full-size cardboard cutout of Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, KBCO Studio C albums (always and forever), a teapot with matching creamer and sugar, and rainboots.

9. i ALWAYS cry at the end of When Harry Met Sally. i also have the majority of the movie memorized.

10. i secretly think i could be an amazing writer, but i'm too scared of criticism to seek advice.

11. the fact that there is no way i will ever be able to read every book written has brought me to tears. on multiple occasions.

12. i hate waking up but i LOVE being awake in the early morning.

13. i do screen my phone calls. sorry.

14. i have wasted too much of my time exploring and reading blogs. a habit i picked up when i was unemployed.

15. i would be happy if i could wear sweatpants and a white t-shirt every day for the rest of my life. but i also love costumes. every morning when i have to get dressed for work, i pretend i am dressing in my "work costume." it makes things easier for me.

16. i miss my family more and more every day. i truly regret not actually spending more time with them when i still lived in the CO.

17. i like to pretend that The Allman Brothers song "Ramblin' Man" was written just for me. especially the part where it says "on my way to New Orleans this morning, leaving out of Nashville, Tennessee" because i did that!

18. my parents' cabin "The West" is my favorite place on earth.

19. cooking meals for myself is empowering some days. and other days it is depressing when i just want to share it with someone else.

20. i can fight through a stomachache, a bad cold, or a sore back, but a bad headache knocks me out flat.

21. i can say "i wish i was skiing right now" and 97% of the time it is true.

22. i believe that if i am going to pay the airfare to make it to your wedding, the least you can do is provide free beer.

23. i like to have meetings in the mornings because if i schedule them at 9 or 9:30 i get to sleep in at least an extra half hour.

24. if i had the time and money to get a dog right now, i would get a white french bulldog.

25. i have to fight the urge to pack up my car and leave almost weekly.

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