Thursday, August 14, 2008

harder than it looks...

so this fun activity that i set up for myself of saving all the plastic i use in a month...a lot harder than it looks!!! first of all, i don't even want to go into the looks i get when i stuff the plastic forks and knives i use at work into my purse. i mean, my coworkers already think i am a little crazy as it is.

the real challenge came when i flew back to boulder for the weekend. my bags were stuffed pretty full on the way out there, so i didn't really have a ton of space to fill with used straws and plastic cups. suffice to say, i left a lot of my used plastic in trash bins in colorado. ugh.

i am actually surprised with how little disposable plastic i use on a daily basis. maybe i am already pretty conscious of my plastic consumption?? or maybe i was so indoctrinated by boulder that this whole deal is not actually going to show me very much about my life. in any case, i will continue on my way.

i haven't quite figured out how i am going to solve the shampoo issue yet...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Something I have been convicted of in the past year (probably along with many of you) is the idea that we should be good stewards of our planet. I mean, God gave us this beautiful globe and we've kind of trashed it, right? I am not going to get into a discussion about global warming here, because I know those of you who might be reading this, and I know there are passions on both sides of that issue that I don't want to arise.

In any case, let's be honest about our situation. God plopped us in Eden. My guess is that on a typical walk through Eden, one probably didn't see the mounds of trash that litter most streets now. I doubt the water sources were covered with 200,000+ gallons of oil, like my mighty Mississippi is right now. So right now you are thinking "but kristin, we aren't in Eden anymore, remember?" True true. But we are still residing in God's glorious creation. He gave us stewardship over Earth and I don't think we are doing the best job of taking care of it.

So I was cruising through BBC News and I came across this article and subsequent blog by Christine Jeavans. I am incredible intrigued with this idea of going for a month without buying or consuming any new plastic. And, in case the title of this blog hasn't already given away the punchline...I am going to try it out.

The first thing Chris did was save all of her plastic she (and her household) consumed in a month. So that is my first step. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Just throw it all into a box instead of the garbage. Well, rinse it out first because otherwise the flying cockroaches will invade. Gross.

So ummm, I'll keep you updated.

Also notice the exploration of new technologies in this blog. I am inordinately proud of myself.